
Computer graphics research with a twist of neutron transport


A Hitchhiker's Guide to Multiple Scattering
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Multiple Scattering
Exact Analytic, Monte Carlo and Approximate Solutions in Transport Theory
Eugene d’Eon
[free pdf]



High-Precision Benchmarks for the Stochastic Rod
High-Precision Benchmarks for the Stochastic Rod
Eugene d'Eon | Anil Prinja
Nuclear Science and Engineering


Appearance Modeling of Iridescent Feathers with Diverse Nanostructures
Appearance Modeling of Iridescent Feathers with Diverse Nanostructures
Yunchen Yu | Andrea Weidlich | Bruce Walter | Eugene d'Eon | Steve Marschner
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

Reconstructing Translucent Thin Objects from Photos
Reconstructing Translucent Thin Objects from Photos
Xi Deng | Lifan Wu | Bruce Walter | Eugene d'Eon | Ravi Ramamoorthi | Steve Marschner | Andrea Weidlich
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

A Generalized Ray Formulation For Wave-Optics Rendering
A Generalized Ray Formulation For Wave-Optics Rendering
Shlomi Steinberg | Ravi Ramamoorthi | Benedikt Bitterli | Eugene d'Eon | Ling-Qi Yan | Matt Pharr
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

A Free-Space Diffraction BSDF
A Free-Space Diffraction BSDF
Shlomi Steinberg | Ravi Ramamoorthi | Benedikt Bitterli | Arshiya Mollazainali | Eugene d'Eon | Matt Pharr

From microfacets to participating media: A unified theory of light transport with stochastic geometry
From microfacets to participating media: A unified theory of light transport with stochastic geometry
Dario Seyb | Eugene d’Eon | Benedikt Bitterli | Wojciech Jarosz

VMF Diffuse: A Unified Rough Diffuse BRDF
VMF Diffuse: A Unified Rough Diffuse BRDF
Eugene d’Eon | Andrea Weidlich
EGSR 2024
[pdf] [Mathematica] [ShaderToy]


An Approximate Mie Scattering Function for Fog and Cloud Rendering
An Approximate Mie Scattering Function for Fog and Cloud Rendering
Johannes Jendersie | Eugene d’Eon
SIGGRAPH 2023 Talks

Student-T and Beyond
Student-T and Beyond: Practical Tools for Multiple-Scattering BSDFs with General NDFs
Eugene d’Eon
SIGGRAPH 2023 Talks

Microfacet Theory for Non-uniform Heightfields
Microfacet Theory for Non-uniform Heightfields
Eugene d’Eon | Benedikt Bitterli | Andrea Weidlich | Tizian Zeltner
SIGGRAPH 2023 Papers

High-Precision Benchmarks for the Stochastic Rod
High-Precision Benchmarks for the Stochastic Rod
Eugene d’Eon | Anil Prinja
ANS M&C 2023

Beyond Renewal Approximations: A 1D Point Process Approach to Linear Transport in Stochastic Media
Beyond Renewal Approximations: A 1D Point Process Approach to Linear Transport in Stochastic Media
Eugene d’Eon
ANS M&C 2023


A Position-Free Path Integral for Homogeneous Slabs and Multiple Scattering on Smith Microfacets
A Position-Free Path Integral for Homogeneous Slabs and Multiple Scattering on Smith Microfacets
Benedikt Bitterli | Eugene d’Eon
EGSR 2022


An unbiased ray-marching transmittance estimator
An unbiased ray-marching transmittance estimator
Markus Kettunen | Eugene d’Eon | Jacopo Pantaleoni | Jan Novak

Markovian Binary Mixtures: Benchmarks for the albedo problem
Markovian Binary Mixtures: Benchmarks for the albedo problem
Coline Larmier | Eugene d’Eon | Andrea Zoia
ANS M&C 2023

An analytic BRDF for materials with spherical Lambertian scatterers
An analytic BRDF for materials with spherical Lambertian scatterers
Eugene d’Eon
EGSR 2021 (Best Paper Award)
[pdf] [video] [code]

Zero-variance transmittance estimation
Zero-variance transmittance estimation
Eugene d’Eon | Jan Novak
EGSR 2021
[pdf] [video]


Zero-Variance Theory for Efficient Subsurface Scattering
Zero-Variance Theory for Efficient Subsurface Scattering
Eugene d’Eon | Jaroslav Křivánek
SIGGRAPH 2020 Courses: Advances in Monte Carlo rendering: the legacy of Jaroslav Křivánek
[pdf] [video] [code]

Random variate generation/Importance sampling using integral transforms
Random variate generation/Importance sampling using integral transforms
Eugene d’Eon
Tech Report
[pdf] [code]


A Reciprocal Formulation of Nonexponential Radiative Transfer. 2: Monte Carlo Estimation and Diffusion Approximation
A Reciprocal Formulation of Nonexponential Radiative Transfer. 2: Monte Carlo Estimation and Diffusion Approximation
Eugene d’Eon
The Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport

The Albedo Problem in Nonexponential Radiative Transfer
The Albedo Problem in Nonexponential Radiative Transfer
Eugene d’Eon
International Conference on Transport Theory (ICTT) – September, 2019, Paris

Nonexponential Radiative Transfer: Reciprocity, Monte Carlo Estimation and Diffusion Approximation
Nonexponential Radiative Transfer: Reciprocity, Monte Carlo Estimation and Diffusion Approximation
Eugene d’Eon
International Conference on Transport Theory (ICTT) – September, 2019, Paris

Radiative Transfer in half spaces of arbitrary dimension
Radiative Transfer in half spaces of arbitrary dimension
Eugene d’Eon
The Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport


Isotropic Scattering in a Flatland Half-Space
Isotropic Scattering in a Flatland Half-Space
Eugene d’Eon
The Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport

A Reciprocal Formulation of Nonexponential Radiative Transfer. 1: Sketch and Motivation
A Reciprocal Formulation of Nonexponential Radiative Transfer. 1: Sketch and Motivation
Eugene d’Eon
The Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport


JPEG Pleno Database: 8i Voxelized Full Bodies (8iVFB v2) – A Dynamic Voxelized Point Cloud Dataset
JPEG Pleno Database: 8i Voxelized Full Bodies (8iVFB v2) – A Dynamic Voxelized Point Cloud Dataset
Eugene d’Eon | Bob Harrison | Taos Myers | Philip A. Chou
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 Joint WG11/WG1 (MPEG/JPEG) input document WG11M40059/WG1M74006, Geneva, January 2017


Additional Progress Towards the Unification of Microfacet and Microflake Theories
Additional Progress Towards the Unification of Microfacet and Microflake Theories
Jonathan Dupuy | Eric Heitz | Eugene d’Eon
EGSR 2016

Diffusion approximations for nonclassical Boltzmann transport in arbitrary dimension
Diffusion approximations for nonclassical Boltzmann transport in arbitrary dimension
Eugene d’Eon
Tech Report

The anisotropic cross-section for the spherical Gaussian medium
The anisotropic cross-section for the spherical Gaussian medium
Eugene d’Eon
Tech Report

Multiple-Scattering Microfacet BSDFs with the Smith Model
Multiple-Scattering Microfacet BSDFs with the Smith Model
Eric Heitz | Johannes Hanika | Eugene d’Eon | Carsten Dachsbacher


A Zero-variance-based Sampling Scheme for Monte Carlo Subsurface Scattering
A Zero-variance-based Sampling Scheme for Monte Carlo Subsurface Scattering
Jaroslav Krivanek | Eugene d’Eon

Computer graphics and particle transport: our common heritage, recent cross-field parallels and the future of our rendering equation
Computer graphics and particle transport: our common heritage, recent cross-field parallels and the future of our rendering equation
Eugene d’Eon
Digipro 2014

A Fiber Scattering Model With Non-Separable Lobes
A Fiber Scattering Model With Non-Separable Lobes
Eugene d’Eon | Steve Marschner | Johannes Hanika
[1-page abstract] [slides] [supplemental]

A Dual-Beam 3D Searchlight BSSRDF
A Dual-Beam 3D Searchlight BSSRDF
Eugene d’Eon
[abstract] [slides]

Importance Sampling Microfacet-Based BSDFs using the Distribution of Visible Normals
Importance Sampling Microfacet-Based BSDFs using the Distribution of Visible Normals
Eric Heitz | Eugene d’Eon
EGSR 2014 (Best Paper Award)

A Comprehensive Framework for Rendering Layered Materials
A Comprehensive Framework for Rendering Layered Materials
Wenzel Jakob | Eugene d’Eon | Otto Jakob | Steve Marschner


Rigorous asymptotic and moment-preserving diffusion approximations for generalized linear Boltzmann transport in arbitrary dimension
Rigorous asymptotic and moment-preserving diffusion approximations for generalized linear Boltzmann transport in arbitrary dimension
Eugene d’Eon
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 2013

Importance Sampling for Physically-based Hair Fiber Models
Importance Sampling for Physically-based Hair Fiber Models
Eugene d’Eon | Steve Marschner | Johannes Hanika
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Talks

A Principle of Invariant Imbedding with Memory
A Principle of Invariant Imbedding with Memory
Eugene d’Eon
International Conference on Transport Theory 23 (Sept 2013, Santa Fe, New Mexico)


A Better Dipole
A Better Dipole
Eugene d’Eon
Technical Report, 2012


A Quantized-Diffusion Model for Rendering Translucent Materials
A Quantized-Diffusion Model for Rendering Translucent Materials
Eugene d’Eon | Geoffrey Irving

An Energy-Conserving Hair Reflectance Model
An Energy-Conserving Hair Reflectance Model
Eugene d’Eon | Guillaume Francois | Martin Hill | Joe Letteri | Jean-Marie Aubry
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2011


A Layered, Heterogeneous Reflectance Model for Acquiring and Rendering Human Skin
A Layered, Heterogeneous Reflectance Model for Acquiring and Rendering Human Skin
Craig Donner | Tim Weyrich | Eugene d’Eon | Ravi Ramamoorthi | Szymon Rusinkiewicz


Efficient Rendering of Human Skin
Efficient Rendering of Human Skin
Eugene d’Eon | David Luebke | Eric Enderton
EGSR 2007

GPU Gems 3
GPU Gems 3
Chapter 14: Advanced Techniques for Realistic Real-Time Skin Rendering
Chapter 24: The Importance of Being Linear


GPU Gems 3
GPU Gems
Chapter 42: Deformers